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Old 02-12-04, 06:06 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Kwizikz: Fatigue....(Enemy OF the Author)


Fatigue....(Enemy of the Author)

Fatigue…Every time I wanna get away
Fatigue keeps me locked in til I gotta stay
Some way, Some how gotta be another way
Fatigue keeps me locked, can’t travel another day

Verse 1
Lungs get tight and my heart is beating erratically
Thoughts run around my Cranium cavity sporadically
Empty Heart Burns because of the Constant Escape Acts
Running away from problems like a Fugitive…Can’t go back
To the way things were…Think of the way things could be
I need to open my retina so my blind eyes see…
Wot could be, and so I can see the things that I do wrong
Instead I jot my anguish and pain on paper and write another song
Stain the sheets of white with my thoughts…My endless Self Debates
Enemy at my own gates…Try to face the truth in my fate
But the Endless Fatigue has brought me clean to my knees
My third eye…My minds Vision is the key to self belief
But every time I try to escape my defaced Situation
I bump back down to Earth..Shattered..No success in Elavation
My empty Plea...Unheard by the untrained ear.......
Fatigue...Plus my writers block...My untamed fear

Fatigue…Every time I wanna get away
Fatigue keeps me locked in til I gotta stay
Some way, Some how gotta be another way
Fatigue keeps me locked, can’t travel another day

Verse 2
My minds eclipsed by the state of my Vision Scape
Cannot escape…Sometimes My soul bleeds stone cold hate
Cannot budge…No room for happy thoughts..No room for love
Sometimes the worlds too tough, feel as though I’ve had enough
But something keeps me going, A secret light in the darkness
That I can’t admit to…Have to shut it out, Feelin Heartless
There’s always 2 sides to the coin..2 sides to the light
Sometimes it shines Bright…Sometimes its dark as night
Deadly melodic sound waves, escape from my larynx
My words paint my pictures…Display what I think
And what I feel…The place in which my mind rests
With out distress…Without coldness, despair and Emptyness
Paint marks stain the empty Canvas, Ink I’ve etched stains the page
Empty My Cerebellum of the dazed, crazed rage
I feel what I want…Desperately strive for what I need
Trapt in a cage…My wit runs dry and empty…Killed by Fatigue

Fatigue…Every time I wanna get away
Fatigue keeps me locked in til I gotta stay
Some way, Some how gotta be another way
Fatigue keeps me locked, can’t travel another day


Need serious feedbak for this cos I may put it on my N B.I.Detained's
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