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Old 02-12-04, 10:54 AM   #9
Born To Kill
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Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas


Gotta give this one to Com as well...

Brix put up a helluva fight, nice personals...

But the name play is pretty played against him.

And alot of ya shit just didn't hurt, stung maybe, but didn't leave him reeling.

Com, on the other hand, came cruel.

Alot of what I like about battling...
(revenge and earning respect)
And alot of what I don't.
(does the world need more harsh feelings?)

I guess that's why I'm clearly not one of the best.

It's hard for me to hurt a fella without any beef.
I end up going for humor, I guess, or try to.

Com, well, maybe there's beef with Brix, cuz he really versed to hurt.

And did.



theres nuttin that aint been said..bout how your Style has Declined
looks like COM finally Quit copying Mine
see my Rhymes the winning Line..yours even miss the Bonus ball
its True COM has everyones a fucking Bingo hall
so did you guys jus Click??..coz P's last 3 battles say ya did
am sure you'll say I talk shit..but I still excrete on children..Kid

Good shots, but mostly humorous, cept for the closer.


I gotta lock on ya chest... you'll be rocked from the collision
Want an easy battle?... put yourself in my position!
No structure, no rythmn... you've got rehearsals to do
The only person you've beat's the only one worse than you!

(I suspect I know who he's refering to...if so, you're a little bitch!)
So I'll give you a glance... at the world through Puns eyes
When I up this battle... sit back and watch the Son rise!
The only place you fit your coffin... fuckin nerd
Brix would be only be The Shit... if The wasn't a word!

Just too many quotables from Com, and too many of em were vicious.

Good win for Com.

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