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Old 02-12-04, 12:33 PM   #35
Light Weight
Daffer22's Avatar
Posts: 290

Gud Battle
Flow/I felt that picture had a better flow b/c he had sum nice rhymes in their with a lot of variation and a gud wordplay, I didn't felt a gud 'beat' with Tactixx
punchlines: They both had sum great punches but I thought that the punches from picture just came harder, Tactixx also had sum gud punches but he hadn't such as picture
personals: Tactixx had gud personals while picture just tried to have personals, Tactixx you just need to work on your punches, picture, you must work on your personals
structure/ They both had a gud structure goin on so..
Originality/ Picture was more original than tactixx cuz he had sum nice lines in there and Tactixx had to many lines which were played

Overall vote: picture (but close)
Wathup Bitches ready for my spit

Wins: Lust (5-1)
Bettws (5-0)
Rappin' Master (5-1)
Baz187 (5-0)
Young 5 Mic(s) (5-3)
Losses: Timeless (DQ for being in 4 battles at a time)
Bonez1000(DQ for being in 4 battles at a time)