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Old 02-12-04, 06:12 PM   #117
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Split.
One time I went to a party, and I happened to be the first person to pass out. And the first person that passes out always gets fucked with. So they decided to write on my face with highlighter. They drew a big fat penis with two harry balls(my eyes worked as the balls) on my forehead. So I wake up the next day, check to see if anything was done to me, and I don't see anything. So l take a shower, get dressed, go about my daily business, and after work. Me and my boys head to the club. And you know how clubs always got those blacklights.. Well highlighter shows up real pretty in blacklight. So I'm walking around for a good 45 minutes, trying to talk to some girls, With a big flourescant-half-washed-away penis on my forehead. Every single girl I tried to talk to would just burst out laughing, and I was like.. WTF.
So anyways, to the point.
I am very afraid of passing out at parties now.

OMG that story was funny as hell. We must hang with the same type of people, cuz that's the kind of stuff that happens with my crowd. We learned about the highlighter thing after running out of lip stick markers and other items used for face grafitti. Nice story thanks for the laugh...
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