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Old 02-12-04, 06:26 PM   #20
VanIllabymidnite's Avatar
Posts: 163
From: T-Town

Here it is.

Flow=Oliver, he had just a bit better flow on his drop, Killa a lot of your lines didn't really rhyme which threw off your flow, but keep working on that.

Punches=Killa, I liked some of his punches and they hit a bit harder than Olivers did, Oliver used a lot of mom punches that are just so played.

Personals=Killa, he had more personals some of which I thought were pretty funny, Oliver you had a couple personals but they weren't really that good, you should work on developing personals.

Vocab=Tie, I didn't really see much vocab that wasn't basic in this battle, both of you should work on improving your vocab, it should help a bit.

Over all=Killa, you had a pretty good drop here, you had some good personals and punches, you should work on your flow it got kind of choppy in the middle of your verse, but over all I liked your drop, it had some funny lines in it, just keep it up.

Oliver, you had an okay drop here, I just didn't really feel your punches hit hard enough and you didn't really have any good personals either, you should work on developing both your personals and punches a bit more, just keep at it and you'll get where you want to go.

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