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Old 02-12-04, 08:15 PM   #1
wanna play doctor????????
Thrust's Avatar
Posts: 16
Mel Gibson's "the passion of jesus" or the passion of the lord not sure...


I don't really see why this film is sooo criticized...
i mean.. if u don't believe in jesus..then don't bother watching,talking, or even thinking about the movie... if u don't believe u don't believe so it should be left alone there

but tho i understand the christians themselves...
thinking the role of jesus being played by a ordinary human being

and also the jews... which i'm guessing they may think that it's giving them a bad image

but again.. movies are movies... there's many movies about many major issues.. and not every1 agrees with the storyline or whatever...instead of criticizing the movie...leave it alone if u don't like it right?

well that's ur thoughts

i'm actually really interested in seeing this film
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