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Old 02-12-04, 09:11 PM   #21
Tactixx's Avatar
Posts: 159

well i wasn't too impressed with this battle but i think chugz-4 life pulled it off.....
your flow was ok i dont like the ~ between the words but mleh, you had quite a few multi's that were alright.... i like this line " way i heat~this~kid...Microwave in 30 seconds then eat~this~bitch"....nice multi's a mtathor and a punch...this one was coulda hit him a little harder but it was ok....your closer was pretty bad...needs some work...good job keep at it!
2-tymer- you had some really long lines that threw off the flow a started iff nice and the last half was pretty weak...the verse had very little hard hitting punches, one or two, and the rest were pretty weak, try to work on multi's, flow and some punches...
