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Old 02-12-04, 11:57 PM   #58
Walter Wall
Posts: n/a

"fuck you...jus coz i beat ya in the 1-2 tourney
y you such a prick??..ya hate on me so much
its stop being such a prick
& hop off my're beginning to sound like Cam
thinkin if peeps aint up2 your expectations then
they wack...but Walt..i dint see ya come good last wk
either. & I voted fairly and in detail in yours & Feebs
title match..& jus coz i did vote against you
ya hate on me baaaadd."

If you didnt think I came good last week then ure an idiot
You even said I came good in ure vote you hypocritical bastard
Lots voted against me, but do I "hate" on any of them?
Nope, I only tell those who are wack that they're wack.......and you're wack

Plus, I've KO'd you in a battle before
so don't give me this 1-2 punch jealousy bullshit
I obviously didnt take it seriously or I could of easily murdered you