Thread: Aesthetic......
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Old 02-13-04, 08:01 AM   #1
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TherealAes's Avatar
Posts: 7
From: 77three!


I cant find a beef forum and this dude has bitting my name (not a huge deal but the ''tm'' is pushing it too far) he bit my sig quote (not written by me) he even bit my location ''77three''..This kid must have been on UF cause cause I remember that avy and he just straight out likes me so much he's trying to be me on your site.. I am gonig to provide my links of ''me'' on a diff board without showing the board name somehow so people dont get pissed for spamming (im not trying to just want people to see why im so pissed at this poser taken my name on a rapbaord and my lovcation and my sig quote)

I'm hoping this bitch made steps in and speaks up for his acrions..I have been Aes for over a year and a half and not about to change cause this dude has identity problems...Put yourself in my shoes I know its just the net but it pisses me off somebody would go that far just to get some sort of respect and it doesn't look he getting much here anyway....good day people no beefwith any of you just the dude who has my name..
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