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Old 02-13-04, 08:53 AM   #2
..Soft Focus..
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Posts: 1,639
From: Ont.

Normally people jump to conclusions about the delimas I face
Stereotyping every action as if I was reachin for a non-exsisting place
Collaberating there peers into distinguish my present emotion
Laughing out loud at me for no reason I feel the noise motion
Through my skin my lungs feel light and my legs feel numb
Respected issues are now focused on being relitivly dumb
But I use to be those laughing crouds best friend last year
All because of rumours they devoliping a lazy eye for tears
Grade 9 was horrible people writting on my locker before class
Another stormy day for Mike I assume is the for-cast
If you could only read what's in my mind and understand facts
You'd be surprised at the love I hold but you wont let hate relax
Instead the flams are risen from the fire burning me inside
Dead smiles now unknown this life I no longer lead can't survive
Pushing me up the wall forcing me to apt to the hell on earth
Caragious I once was but now I feel I died from a relationships birth
All of these neglections need of aspectations to amune to lust
Are dieng slow resembling animals in the jungle who do I trust?
Everybody seems to think they know you but they don't realise
The will you carry out day to day in hopes respect will soon survive
Reaching for a reason to grip to so I can over come my scars
You don't know me at all i'm the one reaching for the stars
Don't interact with me at school yet you judge for you're blinde
Exscape that ego you live in for you have no proof what is in my mind