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Old 02-13-04, 12:03 PM   #1
Edicius's Avatar
Posts: 2,950
From: o.O Tssk. O.o
Story's of A broken pen


A broken pen, captures & writes down what a normal pen would rather leave behind..

As the warm water slided pass the fragile body
the baby's smile increased..
yet the attention from mother, was poor & shoddy
And yes she handled her baby delicate, and refined
but the need for crack was strong,
in that back-corner of her mind
And she couldnt resist 'even' small ammounts of any distraction
distracted her mind drawn away in a small fraction
even a bird, or street sounds.. outside
could draw her attention away
she was unable to organize her thoughts and devide
ending up in a collision of handlings equal to disturbed
Trowing her into a state of agitated confusions
with actions uncontrolled and a perturbed
With this carrousel of memories and pictures,
spinning thru her mind..
Help was offerd, but fo her its hard accepting, stricture of any kind

Her state of mind was dark..w/ inner tears..

yet due the actions with her hands that she perform
resulting the baby smiling to her,
feeling all happy, comfortable & warm
As she looked into her childs eyes
her mind flooded from dark thoughts
and her previous state went into disguise
theres a little smile turning upon her face
but still her previous state was not that easy to replace & erase
Cause the phone went and she didnt know what to do
her mind filled up w/ decisions 'phone can wait, if its important it rings again in a few'
But what if its not?
maybe its a crucial call..& needs answered right away
i need to answer now! the way i live i cant suffer from any kind of delay
So she putted a towl into the tub, hoping the baby wont slip..
ran to the phone picked it up, but unfortuantly the baby did!..
Hello..whos there? were her words,
when at the same time the baby struggled
against the flooding water, yet he was weak to resist & it did hurt..
so much and his small ammount off brainactivity started to reduce
Like the level of the conversation, did at the phone
they both gave in to screaming, as they were seduced..
The babys father was on the phone, wanted to see his kid
but she didnt want any thing to do with that!
so he treathend her to come over, pick up his son and split..

Not even knowing in what critical condition his baby was now

But as the water continued to fill up..and herded up in his tiny lungs
mother was in a fight .. on the phone
speaking to the baby's father.. with ruined tongues
i guess u can call it ironic, and it sure does my eyebrowns frown
that the creators, of something beautifull..
arguing over stupid things! letting there creation drown..

I guess you cant always forsee whats going to happen and whats to come
and u cant say what if i did this, what would have happen then..
but i think u always will read and be intrigued by story's
story's writtin with a broken pen.
Fuck you
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