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Old 02-13-04, 12:52 PM   #1
FanTa ZeE
Posts: n/a
Chamber Of Dreams (Intellect Intact)


If reality is a nightmare, are we all just fooled by dreams?
Time duped us to believe, our journey leads to heaven, so it seems;
Two extremes, the rich, the poor, due to what? the hand of fate?
Tried to strangle me in all its glory,loved only to seeth with hate.
Hope sprang elate, a ray of light through curtained dark
Dove through the holy portals, the heat that bathed my heart
Torn and bleeding in the silence, struck by the devils evil dart
God departed from the desert, left no trace of caring mark,
A work of art, the human body at its best, prime condition,
Crime ambitions, putting the Bible to the've guessed the rest,
A world that loathed beliefs, spited and smited every tell tale sign,
So that nothing they've achieved, they say, 'the world is mine'
Really, they are owned, jealous of the steam that made the air its only home.
Puppets, raised on strings for the entertainment of the Lords
That sit high, looking down, cherishing their thrones,
Rightly laugh and taunt at the foolish wars of men,
Swords and guns sweep the title, that came prior to the pen,
Intelligence, vanished from the scene, they walk and talk like idiots
Collisions in between, rare, to find one not affected by this war
Intellect intact, writing and speaking even more,
Flowering the world, in a blossom breathed in rhyme
And these we call the Legends, that collect and hold our time.
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