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Old 02-13-04, 08:45 PM   #10
Fuck yo couch
Brethren's Avatar
Posts: 575
From: Michigan

Punches: Kaos, pretty funny when your drunk, keep doing it j/k. Slim had mainly played punches
Wordplay: Kaos, bi-product line was decent wordplay
Multis: Kaos, mainly because a bunch of slims lines didn't even rhyme
Personals: Neither, Kaos had one, but was weak
Opener: Kaos, Bi-product line
Closer: Neither, Kaos yours was played, Slim's was horrible

Vote - Kaos/Tyler

Slim, number 1, you need to rhyme everything. Then make a punch/wordplay. Make a comparison between 2 things to make a punchline. Keep elevating. K was drunk, you should've capitalized on that Slim, could've made sooo many punches about that.

I know ya kind..rather not though..I like to stay away from herbs
Cuz Cykotic skinned himself..just to prove that he had nerves!!
K's best bar

yo chaos the theory is you cant get near me simply puttin shit on wax makesit kinda scuurry
delirious from all these ragin alcholics had it up to here now its time to vomit
Slim's best line, I guess it's a reference to being drunk

Return the favor in my battle with Rule
I rhyme better than who rhymes better than you