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Old 02-13-04, 11:49 PM   #7
Posts: n/a

This kid from maryland.. looks like one of Robin Hood's Merry Men
Just my two can use it to the pay the Ferry Man
On River Styx...After a dose of my spit
Quelude...the purest shit..Oakley's just Pure Shit! lol
Ha!..I'm laughing at you.. someone must've darkened ya tints
The only way you shine's the outer glow applied in ya sig.. (around Oakley)
Where's ya crew?..ain't got one?...who wanna squad with a bitch?
What's your roster?..your name repeats like a comp with a glitch...
Your career is stagnant...This I believe without question..
You going nowhere.... like red meat does in your intestines
I'd show Oak respect.... but I'm really a fan of Ray-Bans
To break it down in Lay-mans..The victory goes to Que man!