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Old 02-14-04, 07:43 AM   #25
Straight Ace
Banned: Spamming
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Posts: 984
From: Edit.

I Wanted This Due In 24 Hours, But .:K:. Needs A Week..*
Replaying My Words, Is The Closest Way Youd B Unique..**
Ok..pretty personal.. alright opener
Got A Straight Answer From Feeble..Get Better To Be Elite..***
Punches Bruise Ya Cheek, Yous A Dog, The Way He Bites Treats..
..The first line is a fact, not a punch..2d played & wack..
Like Fat Customers At McDonalds, .:K:. Really Wanted This Beef..****
Beat U With 6 Lines ^, Couldnt Steal This Win If You Were A Thief..
Umm no, 2d line is exceptionally played & 1d?...far from..
Told Him That I Didnt Want Beef, But He Really Wanted To Be Sick..*****
Thinking That You Hard? Please, Im Giving You This Loss Quick..
Not really either.. get more creative
He Knew That I'd Beat Him, So He Posted In The Guided Mode..
"Thats Impossible Sorry" "Can You Image Me Winning On Adobe?"******
..That is actually pretty nice, with some rewordin' this could've been,
A funny & good punch.. not bad

Fuck this coward smash you till your devoured…and leave him seeping,
Fuck wordplay cause that^ had more than your whole verse…
……………......…so kid keep dreaming……….
..The dreamin' part should've been somethin associated w. wordplay,
Or somewhat like that.. for a more direct & connectin punch

merk this kid for beefing...everything's against you..nothing for..
lyrical joker..your just pissing the shit in bold..
.....................over to state wat you are......
The concept was ok.. but truth is..he is a kid lol, not a real punch
I guess it was your mum who first told you…………
…………………..that you were really special…………,
But to be honest man ive seen straighter fucking….. comeing from a homosexual,
Nothin fancy..but got a giggle none the less..slightly funny
K spitting into a mirror is the only way i’ll ever meet my match,
Me turning on you to face away..was the best ive seen you spit back,
Wordplay in 2d line is ok..other then that self glorification
Its special K…..kelloggs brand but im not that type of cereal killer,
I own this battle with the outline..and leave this bitch to add all filler,
Yup..self glorification

I expected more from K to be quite honest..
& Ill testament kind of surprised me..not as herbish as most ppl in Fl..
But fact to the matter is.. all those supposed personals you had,
& tried to indicate & explain with all these stars (****)
Didnt work..
Also in a line u say:
"Got A Straight Answer From Feeble..Get Better To Be Elite"
..Then u go to explain.. that he was declined by Feeble..
Like we are to stupid to see that.. you explain the obvious.
Also your punches where far to simplistic & that whole play on mad cow disease is ridiculous.. & on top of that... played.
K didnt had a real good verse either..
A pretty nice structure.. though your flow was a bit choppy at points.
You came pretty consistant with some ok punches..right down to the last bar..
Where u kind of slowed it down.
But still, You get my vote for nothin explainin' all these useless facts..
& actually havin some punches..

vote K