Thread: Self Belif
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Old 02-15-04, 12:31 AM   #1
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Self Belif


Self Belife

Born a long time ago - in a happy upbringing
as a child enjoyed the outdoors- the birds singing
Only eights years old- when hes life took a twist
he woke up one morning...unable to move his wrist..
he played it off. as pain that subsides..
than one morning he woke up unable to feel his thigts
takes to hospital... doctors measured his size...
they needed a comftable wheal-chair.. he was paralyse...

It means not having the outdoors... and only eight..
not looking at statistics... he belived he controled his fate
" when will i walk again"... he asked him mama...
" one day soon" she would answer not to cause drama...
The hope was always there for this little boy..
But as times passes. he's whealchair was he's permenant toy
He stilled belived. and he tried so hard..
he belived he would walk a million miles.. if he could walk a yard

One morning .. he woke up again... in his special bed
Instinctly he tried to lift his arm to scrach his head...
It didnt move... but he knew it was there....
he never stoped beliving... that eventually he would get there
80% paralized... the chances were slim... hope always high
he wouldnt give up ... till the day he died..
Never losing hope... one morning woke up and lifted my arm
I always knew i would you see.... thats why i remained calm..
In a year i was 0%.. paralised...
doctors couldnt belive all along it was a lie.....
Newspapers asked how.... I didnt even understand.....
I always knew i was gonna walk.. why is it hard to comprahend
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