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Old 02-15-04, 06:45 PM   #136
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Nosfer

You really wanna know who nosfer is?/
you have come unarmed to a battle of wits/
Why the hell would i show you my dick?//
Maybe your moms showed you how it fit//
I'm going back back to cali cali/
If i ever see you i'm gonna drag you into an alley alley/
I'd take your jacket and your shoes but your style is phallic/
so instead i'd just put ur life in jeopardy like i was alex trebek/
I'd say you as gay as Elton John Gets/
but ur just played out like benny and the jets/

Just look at the lack of talent...
Kids posting crap acting vallent...
My lines cut like swords thru your brave heart...
Like Mels hand in contrversial films... I'm through this Pop tart...
Toasted creme filled... Yet your contents still chilled...
Crumbled your structures when you test my erupture...
Scriptures couldn't bring you a peice...
Then again you'd just resort to... Sexing ya neice...