Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-15-04, 07:37 PM   #33
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

I know more about Canada and it's defense operations than do most of your Military. I work to defend your nation just as much as I do my own. I train your Engineers to use the hardware that keeps your country safe. I design systems that protect your borders and keeps your Airspace secure, so it's not like I am oblivous to your Country. Yet my efforts and those of countless others never get recognized. We get rediculed and looked down upon because most do not understand the complex situations and hold defense workers in low regard. Canada provides many services to our Country, but no one in Canada wants to recognise the service we provide you. Not all but most have the same attidue. I would give my own life defending your country, as I would my own, even thought when I'm there to support your defense infulstructure I get protested against. I get treated like a red headed step child with sars. I've gotten death threats and tires slashed while in your country! Yet I do my job and offer the best service I can to your noble county, but nonetheless I get hate. I look at it as ignorance and move on. All this complaining about the US, when there are much worse people who could run this country than Bush. When those people take control of the country you'll wish we had Bush back. This country is capable of taking justt about any country in the world, yet we have only worked to liberate countires, is that really that bad in comparison to historical records of coutires with the same ratio of power. No, but when one of those true monsters takes office in DC, you can bet he's going to march right into Canada and every other country at his will. That is why I do not understand such content for our current adminstration, but I guess when the very worse happens people might soon after get a clue....
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