Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-15-04, 08:05 PM   #35
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by Taktik
well at least ur an informed american

u do provide us with 1 thing


all tho we would never be the target of a bombing , if something were to ever happen ud be there to help

America gets enuff credit ... what kind of recognition do you think US deserves?

The credit we desrve is not to be likended to the war machine of Nazi germany. Comparing our President to Hitler is your form of recognition, portraying our country as tyrants is the credit we get. That is the recognisiton we get, but is not what we deserve. When America grows tired of the labels and takes actions to justify the lables then I guess you'd be right, but until then it's in the worlds best interest that America does exist today.

Sure you have not stirred up any hate towrds your country so there is not international anomosity toawds you. Does that mean that some rouge nation wouldn't raid your nation just because you guys are nice? Hell no, that makes you a target just as well. The world as fucked up as it sounds only respects power, espaicially the arab world. Saddman is proff of this, although he killed arabs by the numbers, he was the sole power of their world, so he was allowed to exsits. Do you really think you would have a country if it was relocated to the region now occupied by Isreal? Hell no, you would have been invaded by countless armies. It's nothing that can be argued, it's plain fact. The only reason Isreal survies today is it's awesome mililary might and close ties to America. If America turned it's back to Isreal Arab armies would be marching on it's captial by sun rise. I don't expect a bunch of kids to fully understand such complex defense concepts or even analize information as such, but I do expect more kids to have comon sense. I understand that I do have access to more information than you kids will ever get to see in your life time (well most of you) but it's still not hard to make sense out of. The world is not a perfect place, it's dangerous to assume peace would previal without the use of force. It never has been the case in history, what would make it the case today? Only ignorance could make such a case agaisnt historical fact!
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