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Old 02-15-04, 08:38 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by bouncedoggydog
Dont get me wrong I don't work there... I couldn't even afford my weed habbit on $17.50 an hour, that's a fucken joke. I'd cry like a baby if I had to work for $17.50 an hour, even double that is something I would laugh at. If your not making at least 100 thousand dollars a year in Cali your fucked. I know it souds high, but in Cali you either make money or live in the hood. I can't afford to keep myself in the hood with a daughter, so I had to get an education. I was already pulling over 50 thousand dollars a year by the time I was 19 with only one degree. Now three degrees later I'd be damed to work for less than 100 grand and stock options, education is the key my friends...Believe....

17.50 a hour is alot here. thats very good pay for new mexico. someone making 17.60 a hour could buy alot of stuff here....
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