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Old 02-15-04, 10:23 PM   #37
Posts: n/a

How many times does this need to be said?

He is a fusion of Hip-Hop and Garage. But is adaptable to other genres too.

His delivery is actually in many ways, quintessentially UK Hip-Hop. It's fairly true to UK culture of sorts. It's also ironic and kind of dry. Also quite UK like. His lyrics are sharp. Not overtly complex or clever to the naked ear. But they have a certain amount of 'depth' if you dig a bit. And understand where he's coming from.

For what he is, he is a very good artist. Who produced a very good album. But remember, that was his DEBUT.

No, he isn't a true and full representation of UK hip-hop. But what he does has got alot of UK Hip-Hop influence. Note he isn't dictated to by other Hip-Hop cultures. Each hip-hop culture must have it's individuality according to the countries and it's 'culture'..or should i say, it's fusion of cultures.
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