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Old 02-15-04, 11:14 PM   #21
New to RB
Posts: 35
From: The Darkest Area Of The Mind

nice...i agree with everyone when they say you had alot of excellent visual imagery....this was long but it kept me interested....i dont know how this would hold up with as a song with and actual beat though...with this topic and rhyme would have to get just the right kind of production you know? favorite line was "A guttural roar rises and two giants lurch forth,
It’s a cataclysmic clash of kings south and north" and "Birds are returning but these are a different sort,
They feast on flesh and scream aloud the report," a fan of that really dark shit you know? with most open could use a bt of editing..."Silence - but for the trickle of a coward’s pissin"...the italic parts are a little hard to follow as well....but overall this was a good out and thanks for peeping my open mic...(when you hit 100 posts, a vote on my battle would be greatly appreciated lol)
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