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Old 02-15-04, 11:20 PM   #33
Posts: n/a

Oh aye, all the teams in the Premiership react in such disproportionate ONE offside decision going against them. Oh, and on the question of diving...Ashley Cole anyone?

I'm sorry. But Arsenal in general are fairly 'dirty'. Look at how many sendings off and bookings they've recieved since Wenger has been in charge.

Lauren. Cole. Lehmann. Vieira. Henry (though i do like him as a player, he aint that bad). Wiltord. Er..Silva. And i'm sure yer youngsters like Aladiere are being groomed that way too..

But nah...tis all part of the 'art of football' i guess. Not much consolation unless you're grabbing at straws.

Kluivert likes Hip-Hop more than football. And he's a much worse diver than Ruud. Not as clinical in front of goal either. Still, good player.

Yes, 'best' season yet in a way. Better than when ye olde Arsenal and Leeds were winning it. Friggin 'lullaby' teams...who needed a story book when you had them, eh?
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