Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-16-04, 11:04 AM   #37
Middle Weight
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Posts: 426
From: Canada

But it ain't about Israel, it's about Canada, the 2nd largest Country in the world. The country with the most Natural Resources in the world, and above all that, we're bordering your country. So damn rights the U.S. will do what it takes to protect us, same goes with Mexico.

Bounce, you know your shit, and I've learned a lot from you just reading your post's. But what you must understand is, the media play's the largest role in any conflict amoung 2 nations.

First, Canada has no 'Canadian' TV channels, but CBC. The rest is American, so we watch, read and listen to your news, commercials, etc. We are force-fed American culture, but at the same time we get Arabic channels, British Channel, etc. and we see other perspectives other than our own. You have to admit our immigration standards are much more lax than yours, meaning I grew up with Blacks, Arabics, Mexicans, Jamacians, Chinese, Japanese, all on one street, not segrigated to it's communities.

You can ask any Canadian about 9/11, around that time, and they'll say..." I can't believe they'd do somthing like that to us......."

We consider ourselves family, and your our protector, we don't hate. We do hate the ignorance, like .." I like your Make-Belief flag" then we correct them and say " no, it's a Maple Leaf.." People thought my province of Alberta was a State in America!

Canada does not suck dammit.
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