Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-16-04, 12:03 PM   #41
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

^ I agree Canada does not suck... People suck no matter where thier national roots stem. I think Canada is a gorgous place and has woderful people, I just do not agree with some of thier poltics. I think most Canadians are very knowledgeable on US issue's, even more so than thier own. I just do not appreciate the sentiments of hate focused on Bush or those who have a hand in the Defense industry. Prior to 911, GWB was critized for not being a forgein affiars President, soon after 911 he was forced into forgien affairs. Now he is ebing critized for being a forgien affiars president rather than a domestic affairs president. How can the left flip flop like such without peole bringing it into question? I know, people are not informed and only look to what the media is focusing on for that given period. Right now the left is slaming Bush and his campien, accusing those on the right of asking inapproreate questions into the affairs of it's prime canidiate hopeful, Keary. Why the double standard when in 1992 the left lead an assult and embaressing forum of questions aimed at the Prresident (GHB), detailing a certain fling with a coutner part as the vice president? If more people were aware of such scandaless tacttics, more peole could see the manipulation and mistrust breed into the party on the left. It's all so plain to see on paper, yet most eye's never see the fact sheets, they only see what they are blindly lead to see. I appluaed those who dig further and uncover these never mentioned issue's burried in time. I mean how many kids today are being told that 911 was a ploy or scare tactic manipulated my Bush to gain poularity for his demented war? It's even been suggested He planned the attacks himself, in which case is the most ignorant thing a person say. So although no party is perfect it is up to the citezen's keen eye to determine fiction from fact. Right now as the chips fall, the fact is far more credable than the fiction. Guy's like Mickeal moore (sp?) make great films for entertainment value, but I would not allow my own childs view of the world be distorted by his ignorance. He is not on the countries list of national security breifs or does he sit in on intellegence commities. He's just another guy with an opinion in Hollyood. Opinions are just like assholes, everyones got them! And if not, your shit out of luck!

(yeah, so sue my spelling is horendous and I type much worse than I spell, but you get the message, I hope...)
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