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Old 02-16-04, 01:05 PM   #15
_-Lucky Rabbits Foot-_
SyaNidal's Avatar
Posts: 644
From: PenNsyLvaNIa

write-better punches and flow/structure you had
the personals and the wordplay along with some
good meta4s good job on your part....

fue-you didnt have very good punches... you had some
but not as har dhitting your personals were decent...
but your structure and flow wus really fucked up...

My V/Mr W.rite....hit up my battles in sig Vs. Assassin and Vs. Diverse....
and peep my topical with rule in elevated... pzout!...

_-Current Battles-_
SyaNidal \v/ Diverse
_-Open Mics-_

