Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-16-04, 01:06 PM   #45
Middle Weight
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Posts: 426
From: Canada

^ Bounce I hear what your say'n, and what I'm about to say to you might be offending, especially to you.


Isn't the big issue in the U.S. right now, intellegence? How credible is it? Who's doing/saying what? How is it handled? Who do you believe? The subject of intellegence in which you set your entire beliefs and standards on becuase it is your job, is the burning issue in the U.S. Government and Media right now. I do understand your opinions on such people as Michael Moore, but he was the direct person in which brought the entire " Did Bush Serve his time" issue that's ben happening. A couple of weeks ago he called Bush a 'desserter' and got in a lot of shit for it. Now it's a massive issue in which the media/public wanted answers.

So yes, he's for sure an entertaining writer, and such, but his opinons, facts, intellegence, and words are being used, listened to and demonstrated in politics today.

And from a Canadian stand point, people ask me why I care about politics, America, and all that so much, it's becuase you don't realize how much the 'trickle-down' effect, really effects us here. Take Mad Cow for example. 1 cow, and the U.S. closes it's border to us. 1000's of Farmers a skrewed for the next 10 years becuase of this 1 cow. ANd when the U.S. found there Cow, we didn't close our borders cuz we know the effect. All this War on Terror changed the way we live our lives too, and we've always supported Americans.

I mean Rumsfeld made a great point the other day....." it's easy to gather and investigate intellegence after the fact, but if your racing the clock, and you need to figure it out before somthing happens, you got to act with instinct...."
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