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Old 02-16-04, 05:23 PM   #6
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,617

For the record, it is "pathetic" not "pithedic."

Anyways, you are basically preaching to the choir here. These people won't listen until they see it for themselves. I was actually in a diner the other day and these kids, I guess 15 and under group, walked in thugged out and acting like they are the shit. They started playing all of these ring tones loud as shit of their mainstream beats and sing a long to it. I counted their conversation for their short stay. 68 "Yo's" and 32 "Dog's."

It had to of been the most-unintelligant group I ahve ever seen. They had no idea what they were portaying. They had no idea what Hip-Hop was. They were followers. But they were gangstas, so they didn't care.
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