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Old 02-16-04, 08:08 PM   #13
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

True hiphop does not have a uniform, however, look at the image that is portrayed by hiphop.. the common bonds each artist (namely mainstream) presents to the nations, are youth, one another.. the objectificaion of wemon is just wrong. the presentation of guns, gangsta and constant hussle ARE somthing that these kids and people become inrolled in and start actting out with.

THen you get to a point were thirteen year olds are carrying, fifteen year olds are addicted, everyone becomes self indulged with no real meaning of life other than to fuck "get dough" and "hold it down" when in all reality they are ona front.. there NOT holding down SHIT... and there just trying to be some one else.. be somthign there not.

I see tons of these kids.. i know kids like this.. i see these kids on RB everyday, yea there newbies true but havent yall ever notcied theres WAY to many " nigga ima cap you, grab ya bitch slap her to, dont make me fuckin stab you" coming from younger and younger people? thats sad.. and were do you think they got that additude? what form the rich suburds were momy and daddy raised them around no voilence telivision? around there loving caring family... two point three children, mini sudan driving middle class family with no affiliation? living in a rich house compiared to the poppulation of were the fuck ever? I i feel bad for them..

And whats worse im trying to move past that imagine, alot of artist are, and these kids get caught up in that shit for some inate reason.. then they start a front and start dressing and doing the idoitic things that go along with that lifestyle..
whats worse they werent brought into that against there will.. they didnt have a choice, they chose to be there. Its really sad..

I cant see how some one who puts on a front like that walking around thinking there toughshit, greatest in the world gangsta when in reality they dont know shit about this world. will ever be anything other than fake untill they realise that.. i look at these artist in mainstream and i see people that accually lived they.. raised in that.. not decided to one day start being "ghetto"...

Im not saying using slang is a bad thing, or wearing baggy clothes makes you idoit.. im talking about those people who go overboard.. the ones that NEED to have that, everythign else sucks.. rocks gay, blah blah blah, fucking stupid shit like that.. peopel that dont realise SHIT in life, other than "hey look BET".

Its peopls like this that cant think for themselves.. get caught up in a lifstyle that will undoubtly ruin them and will never be real.

This a movement people...

"release the gangsta, be your fucking self"
- outcome
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