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Old 02-16-04, 08:21 PM   #30
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

I understand were there coming from and i see both the pro an con of the matter. it deals with how far are nation/world has slipped as far as what is and isnt exceptable.. You have to understand those are things native americans take very seriously and find offencive.

barly clothed women dressed up in feathers to help promote sex appeal and sell records with a teepee in the background is offenive to native americans.. and i understand completly.. i might be part native american, half but im not really sure...

They more than likly feel it takes away from there image as being a more moral orintied culture. I think they deserve that respect, look at how much theyve already sufferd through.. Native americans have had (i feel) more fucked things happen to them than almost any other culture, unless you count Women as there own culture. due to the fact this was THERE land.. and they have almost died out completly...
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