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Old 02-16-04, 11:48 PM   #17
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

Man... why the fuck does every one keep making hiphop an issue of race???? that is NOT the case, fuck i see BLACK people doing shit like this to!
It isnt a fuckign matter of "oh im black, i have to wear sean jean" "oh really? im white, i need to dress abercrombie" Blah blah blah..

Thats fucking ignorance, and extream sterotypical thinking that simply CAUSES shit like this to happen...
Making everything about Race.. i mean Fuck..Am i here bitchign that my fucking mother was shot in her face? FUck no i aint...

Its hard to "get up" how fucking old are you... Its not hard to get up.. Maybe if you ACTTED the way your suppose to in your work place people would wonder why the fuck is this kid using curse words whiel young timmy eats his potatos.

god doesnt give us more than we can handle.. Every person was created equal..
I havent had it harder than anyone else in this world.. AS for your rap lyrics, ive never heard um.. if yu say you just do this shit because thats who you are.. and your accually that way then whatever, good for you..... And yove come from a broken home, that wasn the richest.. welcome to like 50% of the world...

That isnt a diss.. and truthfully empathy is there.. But at the same time what im talking about is this.. eminem, i respect him because he doesnt (well didnt) act gangsta.. he didnt even get NEAR that aspect untill gunit and 50 came into the picture.. Before that he was " this is me, liek fuck you, dont fuck you.. alls i give ashit about is my daughter"
^ THAT is a man with prioritys.... he KNOWS what comes first... Im saying this, did you GROW UP THAT WAY... was the the way you were raised, the environment you lived in to make you talk like that????


or was it somthing you got from other telivision..
I remember in school the vice principle was in our class, and this was a GRIP ago. nearly 6 years ago in 8th grade. gusy in there.. talking to us on how children are products of there environment, unless they chose to act out except the problem was when they act out they faLL into certain crowds, and that crowd molds them into somthign they never really were, but because there actting out they become that.
he asked us if we coudl stop cusing cuz it showed the younger children a way to act.. and chances were are parents did not act liek that, he knew they didnt, he knew are parents............

i retaleated with i live with my grandmother.. and in a simpel drive to the store, you will hear a death threat, see a finger flips and her the words fuck you at least three times...

Or somthign liek that i dont really remember everything.. but that is my point, i am the way i am to day becaus eof the shit ive been through. i fucking rented out the meth house were i was.. my entire family has delt drugs. every person in my family has been to jail, and a partion to prison... i was raised in that, but do i go off flased out in fubu? wearing a durag being like " whats up my nizzle" i make remarks like that moaking kids that try to imulate that style.. It fucking pisses me off..

I understand why black people are offend when other races use the N word.. Because im offend when people who arent try to act ghetto.. poor isnt fun..if
you think it is go fuck yourself
Lemmie take these kids and drop um in the middle of crenshaw blvd.. then well see how they act.. OH and if you dont know what crenshaw is, look it up in california, and show up there wearing your greatest fubu outfit..

Oh and by the way, Im part white, and either half hispanic or half native american, if i knew who my real father would have been i would tell you..

This a movment yall

"Release the gangsta, be your fucking self"
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