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Old 02-17-04, 12:07 AM   #1
New to RB
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Posts: 38
From: Bosston
Oakley step into my offic you little bitch..


A esop R ock 71: i dont get that polls line
A esop R ock 71: a pole is someone from poland not italy
OakleyEmcee: poll's...u poll your vote
OakleyEmcee: italy his font. he posts in italic. hence wordplay
A esop R ock 71: so whats it got to do w/ italians
A esop R ock 71: oh um aite
OakleyEmcee: only italians will vote for him cus his fotn is italic
A esop R ock 71: yeh i get it now
OakleyEmcee: omg u kno what dont vote. you have no clue.
A esop R ock 71: yeh i do have a clue
OakleyEmcee: u dont
A esop R ock 71: i wouldnt have chose to use the line though..
OakleyEmcee: that was the most blatent thing in the world
OakleyEmcee: your really new and have no clue sorry
A esop R ock 71:
A esop R ock 71: new to this site..
OakleyEmcee: no new to rap
A esop R ock 71: yeh, to battlin nah
OakleyEmcee: im new to this site
OakleyEmcee: your new. all together
A esop R ock 71: haha.
A esop R ock 71: chill out man i thought u were doin the word play off the 'poll's' not the italian thing
OakleyEmcee: hence. no clue
A esop R ock 71: battle me then and we'll see who new dawg
OakleyEmcee: no
A esop R ock 71: i dont get why ur trippin over me makin a mistake
OakleyEmcee: that would be wrong
OakleyEmcee: i have beaten diverse (26-6) lyric (14-1) quelude (32-14) wordplay (0-2) and AznFag(0-1)....3 vets and 2 would stand no chance.
A esop R ock 71: prove it then
OakleyEmcee: hold on
A esop R ock 71: i dun even know who those people are
A esop R ock 71: so u coulda beaten urself for all i know man
OakleyEmcee: check the IP in the upper corner
OakleyEmcee: they prevent that
A esop R ock 71: nothin special honestly, beatin that diverse kid sin't something to brag about
OakleyEmcee: you couldnt touch him
A esop R ock 71: yeh ok..
A esop R ock 71: just battle me if ur gonna talk shit dawg
OakleyEmcee: now your not getting a sig
OakleyEmcee signed off at 12:05:28 AM.

This bitch blocks me and won't except my challenge, let's go pussy, show me how you're the 'illest thing out' man..
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