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Old 02-17-04, 12:33 AM   #131
New to RB
Posts: 20
From: canada

Is there a god? Why am I even writing this?
I am but 16 with a son, which is why I'm reciting this
He calls me daddy, with a smile on his face
God I can't help but feel that I've made a disgrace
Of my life, I need to pull a u-turn, and turn to you
Give me the answers, God, burn me a clue
Why are there so many deaths, and mistaken tragedy
I have so many friends, that I wish you could give back to me
It's fact you see, I find myself questioning your existence
When people are losing their lives, and losing their innocence
You gave my child, you gave me reason to live
Amazing how beauty is born in the season of sin
For this I must thank you God, a wonderous oppertunity
Although you might take my friends, death is nothing new to me
I will see them again in your kingdom, you will always be true to me.....

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