Thread: crazy websites
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Old 02-17-04, 01:58 AM   #32
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

solved it...

i think... i remember from level one, the talked about an artifact, the keys to time travel such and such, right? well, donnie was forced to have to go back to the other universe with the artifact and leave the tangable one, or viseversa...

the living reciever was jim cunningham, and i think that donnie was a manipulated being.. i think there IS a way through to more of the puzzle, alhtough im to tried to try right now, but i will and you have to reread the notes in level two to understand level three..

Its a metaphor for life i think. as well as a puzzle to makeyou relise that donnie just went back in two as soon as the engine hit him IE " THE ARTIFACT" somthign left behind..

although i could be talking out of my ass.. i havent decided yet, but ya this is a dope site..

and really i think i solved it
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