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Old 02-17-04, 02:29 AM   #20
Rare One
Posts: 327
From: B.831

hw do you know thats what you think? it isnt a free way of thinking if you bring race into music its a common sterotype..

And this world motto seems more and more "i dont e=give a fuck, who cares about them" which is a common bond that goes with alot of other issues as well as rap.. the "with us or against us"..

HEY HERES SOMTHING NEW try CARING.... ANd Old concept forgotten over the years..

and why the fuck are you even talking? after i said "good for you" nothing else was remotly directed toward you, unles syou feel as though istruck some sort of nerve by saying kids who dont know shit about the street then try and act as though they do pisses you off???

I mean really.. Yea you talk "ghetto" you dress "ghetto" Ok..

Why.. Were you raised that? were you even remotly near that type of environment???

And i mean Ghetto, IE poor, surround by the shit you hear about.. if you were accually in that environment, hey whats up... If you just decided G this is the type of person im going to be... LoL you really need to check yourself. But hey thats just an opinion
because i know actting like a fuckign idoit, getting high, going to jial and actting THUG is cool now a days.. DOnt wurrie dawg.. I got CHu...
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