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Old 02-17-04, 04:41 AM   #24
Posts: n/a

^ this is a very valid thread... I can relate to your situation somewhat.

I wasn't exactly raised in a ghetto, but a very poor Eastern European country... Bosnia to be precise. Dunno if you know or not, but in 1992-1996 there was a huge civil war in my country where 250,000 of my people were killed by our own neighbours. I was forced to go with my parents to Australia as a refugee, and I'm not ever turning back. Bosnia was always poor (average annual income per person = $1500 US). So I basically grew up in semi-poverty, and the war fucked it up even more.

Since I'm Eastern European, I'm a wog. Yes, the greasy, hairy, tall & kebab eating, slang using, car loving people many seem to hate. Well guess what, I don't give a flying fuck. For me, I have pride of my culture and my race, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - and everyone should feel that way about themselves. That's why it pisses me off when Anglo (English) Australians start acting like wogs just so they can be "cool" with us.... I mean.. shit... I don't care what your nationality is, you can be cool with me if your a cool person.. not because you act like me...

I would be pretty confused if someone who isn't Bosnian started jumping around in sports shirts and old-skool sneakers shouting "Yo what's doin bro!?!?" in a wog accent whilst chomping on a kebab saying "zhish ish hot shit bro"... Or even worse, where scratched and tainted coats with low leather caps (a style from my country)... why would you want to have experienced the pain I have? Enjoy your life for what you have, and don't try to be someone your not.

And even if it is hard to believe, hip-hop is a big part of my life. And no, I don't go around acting "gangsta" or "hood". In fact, I'm your typical senior high school guy. I don't try to act hard online, wtf? Like anyone's gonna think I'm a hot shot cos I speak in verbal jargon. And I hate bad grammar. You probably won't see me using many "online" shortcuts when typing things.

So I perfectly agree with OutCome. You're you; not someone else. Lead your own life, bro :P
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