Thread: Canada's Dope.
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Old 02-17-04, 12:29 PM   #50
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

^ You do know that everthing on that list had previously been addressed by the white house press secratery. This is so old now, are you not paying atention to c-span, or white house press announcements. The time away from his post was to work on a campeign trail, it very comman for people in the reserves to be absent due to work. Also a pilot is given his physical around his birthdate every year, it's very common that if the pilot is not present during that time for his physical he is grounded until he takes that physical. Again if your a piolot or understand anything about the unit he served in, many pilots had the same thing happen. It's actually quite common. Now that whole issue about him joining the national gaurd just to avoid Veitnem is redicules and ever so ignorant. Everyone knows that any air wing or tacticle squadron in the reserves is highly lik;y to see combat action. Today we watch the reserves called up for duty in Iraq, and yes in Vietnam several reserve squadrons were called into action. It just so happens that the fighter Bush was assinged to, was not fit for bombing runs. His jet was used to intercept and scramble, chace down incomming arial threats, which is much more dangerous to operate and fly thana bomber. Many of the pilots in his squadron were killed in excercises here at home. So anyone who straps on one of those fighters is putting his life on the line for his country! The left is completly retarded and oblivious to this. His unit was key to arial defense here at home, if he had more time in the Bomber than the fighter he would have served in Vietnam. His expertise happened to be that of need here at home. No use in sending interceptors to Vietnam, as thier airforce did not require such measures. I have about one minute to post right now, but I'll be back with a more detailed depiction later. I just can believe you fall for this bullshit. One you're either very impressionalbe, or absolutly ignorant to the military and it's infulstructure. People are speaking about things to which they have no clue in hollywood. I'll post the reply that Lt Bushs' unit commander submitted to clear up what he called pure bs!
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