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Old 02-17-04, 01:18 PM   #2
Born To Kill
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Posts: 2,936
From: Houston, Texas

Never interact with gossip
Good one, but as you get older, you'll find that's just what peeps like to do...
Talking behind somebody's back is a waste of time/breath
Again, good rule to live by, but once ya in a business or professional environment, that becomes the norm
Jealousy is a female trait
True, true, but if she's the right one, the REAL right one, ya gonna feel it whether you want to or not, whether it's warranted or not, but it ain't bad...
Never disrespect elders
When ya in Human Resources like I am, peeps do it all the time, "His first job was in 57', he's ancient!" "Did you hear that guy, who's gonna take his old ass seriously as a Project Manager" type of shit...sad, but true...
Never talk about the outcast of a group (the Columbine cats for example)
Fucka outcast...the Columbine punks were fags, if they'd have man'd up and delivered asskickings, they wouldn't have needed those guns, fuckin pussies!
Never disrespect those less fortunate then you
This I totally agree with, unless we're talking about a guy dating a fat chick while you have a hot one...then you MUST rib him daily about it!!!
Don't knock another man's dreams/aspirations/hustle
Well, knock them if they're the motherfucker time, when I was really high and broke years and years ago...I almost got talked into selling Amway products! No shit! But a friend of mine slapped me around..."Dude! It's Amway sales!!! Wake the fuck up!!!" I needed that!
All Bullies are gay
Again, I totally agree!
Always listen if somebody is talking
Or at least try and fake it...ya ever hear ya woman go on incessantly about clothes, fuckin mousse, or hair'll be faking it too, trust me!
Always keep an open mind
Unless we're talking about experimenting with homosexuality!!!
Count everything twice
Very good one...
Think Twice before doing something
This is what has kept me from doing major time, getting killed, and keeps me going to this day...I always look at the worst case scenario...for almost every decision I make. What will happen if I do this, what's the worst reprecussion I'll see?"
Never do something half-ass
Unless ya battling an herb!

There's my input, my man...
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