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Old 02-17-04, 01:45 PM   #7
Banned: Spamming
Provoke's Avatar
Posts: 128

I don't get it.. I mean I do... but the sites as you say will be all the same.
If theres talent here, then herbs will obviously follow..
It's pointless.. its just like 2 RB's.. exactly the same..

I guess you'll be concentrating on features to attract people?

This is what I'd like to see... and I'm sure the majority would agree...

Personally, I'll go to a site with activity first.. I mean I've joined many sites with a lack of membs, who want 2 days to battle, whereas here its a quick battle anytime.

Secondly.. creative ideas.. like leagues, crew battles etc.. more special features.. and not just for the 'elite'.

Thirdly.. the main downer of RB is d/r... and it happens with vets. Some of the 1/2 punches for instance.. wack.. hardly creative at all. Many times I've come up with similar, and thought nah.. thats standard, gone for more creativity, only to see someones wack ass punch get mass credit.. and I ain't the only person to feel like this.
A site where theres hardly that kinda shit would be nice..

Fourth thing.. Mods who don't close/delete posts/thread because they don't like 'em... or they've seen a similar thread 3 damn years ago.. Peeps are always new to the site, maybe they haven't.. And wack abuse of power..

Fifth.. Most of RB is pretty dope... E.I, Hip Hop Lounge.. I mean its more or less the most popular online BattleBoard.. most should stay the same..

Sixth.. No fucking aliases... period. I still don't see the point.

Thats 'bout it really..

Anyone agree/disagree?
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