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Old 02-17-04, 02:08 PM   #64
Posts: n/a
bringing it as always...


this is a diss for the nextlevelsfinest,
biggest whiner in the world, that would be his highness,
he decides to get even with the lyrical king,
who only spits rhymes when his mouth is not full of chicken wings,
but enough about that chump, nlf with the iq of a tree stump,
he crouches when someone asks him to jump,

first let's break down his name, which is weak like his game,
his lyrics dwindling like burning kindling, so is his fame,
ne to the xt, and I am feeling sleepy,
le to the vel, like a pervert kinda creepy,
fi to the nest, according to women in the sack he's speedy,
and together it all sucks and is boring the shit out of me,

with my rhyme I bring everything, and the kitchen sink,
nlf, change your drawers you corpse, because you're starting to stink,
sitting in the witness dock with a blue dot, because you are a fink,
now like the Boston Red Sox, consider yourself jinxed,

Now let me get off your neck,
throw your body off the aircraft carrier deck,
down to the seagulls and on you they will peck,
and they feed on you like a cousin feeds on a redneck,
