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Old 02-17-04, 05:43 PM   #133
Posts: n/a

Woke up late again clock still buzzin
and so am I cuz last night's high has got my head rushin and gut bustin
quick to the toilet with my dick in hand feelin sticky from the quicky from the ass I tagged
What's her name I never asked and in fact it don't matter cuz all i know right now is I'm about to blow my bladder
skinny or even fatter I don't even remember and I lost her phone number faster then piss freezer in December
Feelin stiff never limber is this life I live with no thoughts about my future or the things I did
Only looking forward to finda quarter to add to tha dollar in my locker at school
so I can skip out after shootin hoops in Gym and buy anotha brew
and that should hold me over till my dawgs wake up
and we can half on a sack and puff a blunt like we always do
cuz last night I had a twenty and they always come through
But it's late now and I aint seen a familiar face all after noon
feinds around the corner lookin for some rocks that flew
out the hand of my dude that got caught up by the man
and now they on their hands and knees like .....
lost connection!