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Old 02-17-04, 05:44 PM   #27
Banned: Spamming
Provoke's Avatar
Posts: 128

outcome... the way I see it.... you've contradicted yourself in every damn post.

You're saying 'be yourself'...'don't care what others think' etc.. blah blah, when in fact you shouldn't even be concerned bout the current state of hip hop imitation.
Yeah, its become the new trend, so what? You know who the fakes are, let 'em get on with it.
Race is an issue in hip hop.. it can't be disputed, and you should know this.
Many black hip hop artsits rap about white oppressors etc.. or whateva..
Personally, I don't wear 'hip hop' clothing.. its shit. I wear casual jogging bottoms/jeans and hoodys/polo tops. Now for instance, many people will say 'ah yeah... hoodys.. hip hop style'. No. Thats plain dumb. the fact of the matter is, hip hop has glorified certain things, and therefore its become assossiated with it.
Whether your from Wales, LA or fucking Iceland, many people are 'thugs'.....just not your typical 'hip hop' thugs. People wear hoodys, tims etc.. cos they fucking want to, not to be 'hip hop'.
The whole way you stated you've done this, done that, come from this.. blah blah... its dumb. I mean whats it really matter? You think that gives you the right to wear fucking ghetto clothes? Fuck outta here..
You're an idiot..
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