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Old 02-17-04, 06:58 PM   #3
wanna play doctor????????
Thrust's Avatar
Posts: 16

How many fuckin crews you make..1..2..possibly 3
Vanished quitely...
Herbs swept away by the wind like tumble weed
Yup their gone..
And so is your talent...Go back to where you belong
And it's not topically...
That Ed finds how in the hell is EFL something he mods on?!?!
He's lost his touch...Continues denying...Result in longer lines
Cuz even if he stretches the truth...A hard punch is rare to find
You got to rely on your sig Ed...So I'ma kiss Talib Kweli goobye
Cuz your takin him out...When he fails "Just to get by"
WE KNOW WE KNOW You don't battle..The excuse is obvious
Go back to topicals...
Cuz ThugzDoCry like that typa softness...Right bitch?