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Old 02-17-04, 07:17 PM   #13
Fuck You, I Rhyme Better
Posts: 2,488

Originally Posted by Aisle Phive
^The so called "vets" he's reffering to aren't exactly vets.

I think this is just retarted, it seems so childish. Cprogress hardly even interacts on RB, he creates the hacks and shit. If he had spent more time in EI or HHL and cared more about talent than activity then this wouldn't happen. I don't even think all the n00bies going to Cprog's site is going to hurt anybody. I'd be happy, but I just think the whole idea is stupid. I'll stay here of course, but this whole thing is pointless. Despite the fact that End's never going to mod me, RB was fun when he had the right mods. The only problem I might have is that as soon as this happens, the majority of the mod's will have to be good friends of End's. I've tried to be cool with him, but he doesn't really talk to me on AIM when I IM him, so I just don't IM him anymore, so there goes my chances of ever modding.

umm..End doesnt talk to me on AIM...and i probably annoy him more than anything...

this was covered somewhere else a LONG TIME AGO...End makes people MOD based on activity/contribution..nothing to do with friendship

i.e. There was talk of Born 2 Kill becoming a FL mod...i doubt he and end are secret PM pals but we all know that Born is active and follows rules...and as was stated has the most battles on the site...

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