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Old 02-17-04, 09:54 PM   #1
Mike D
This is my first post!
Posts: 1
A pair of shoes = priceless


I might spit shit, but so would you livin' in a gutter wit no shoes. No shirts on back watch ya ma's buy and sell crack. Like a trailer park ho wit 1,2,3 guys on her back So listen up open ya ears I'm hear to fuckin switch gears and kill careers. No money in my pocket pull your spine out a socket. Steal all ya shit and leave like davey crocket. Strap yaself wit a 9 toke all the kine to dome piece like homey. think you can own me. like you a playa you probaly got skills like that whitey john mayer. So Ima stop spittin and let you talk..fuck that bitch you probaly got croch pox. peace biatch
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