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Old 02-17-04, 10:07 PM   #26
Fuck yo couch
Brethren's Avatar
Posts: 575
From: Michigan

Punches: Free, Oak used a lot of played gay jokes, so this goes to Free. Oak would've taken this if he didn't have thrown played punches in there.
Wordplay: Free, the battery powered bar/line whatever was nice.
Multis: Neither, y'all need to use multis seriously
Personals: Tie, Oak had the font line, Free had the sigmaker line
Opener: Oak, better opener, the UV line was pretty weak
Closer: Free, ended with a nice personal, Oak's was alright, Free's was just better.

Vote - FreeMan

Oak, I've peeped a few of your battles, and you were doing good, this battle didn't even compare. Use more creative punches, add a little wordplay. Free, add multis to your verse, it'll correct the flow, make it on point.

You could Font size it in 10 and still lack the attention
Oak's best line

Damn dawg just quit.. You really aint cut out for writing scriptures
So my advice to you is...
... Pack it in and stick to pictures
Free's best set of lines (Don't know what to call it)
I rhyme better than who rhymes better than you