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Old 02-17-04, 11:51 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Total devastation, the ultimate ending, ever nearing due to perpetual time...
through methods humans uncomprehending, will come judgement of the divine...
the clouds break asunder, the warrior prince's steed is heard in the distance...
demons take heed, the prophecy to be fulfilled, as evil is banished from existence...
human kind in awe exhaults their heads to the heavens...
to behold vicious beast and holy warrior clashing clothed in white linens...
with the holy spirit as there sword weilding faith as thier only shield..
human and angel allied together as one now storm the battlefield...
Demonic souls, forsaken the fallen left in slaughter a wordly bloodbath...
as the four horsemen are summoned by heavenly trumpets to enact thier wrath...
famine and disease spread, fire rains from the welkin(vault of heaven)....
Angels stand poised with 7 bowls of God's wrath awaiting the ceremony to begin...
Lucifer summons all his might but his feeble attempts are in vain....
fallen from the lords grace hath he, now destined to be slain....
locked away for thousands of millenia yet never to expire...
and by God's grace he will once again direct the angel choir...
These last days, shrouded in suffering, deliverance, and gore...
will end with the combining of Earth and heavenly our current statis more...
Apocalypse by definition is teh presentation of God and his grace...
and we will all bow down with hands meekly over our eyes, for we dare not gaze on his face....