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Old 02-20-04, 09:44 AM   #1
Rural Thug
New to RB
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Posts: 24
From: Oxford, England
Comeback and Explaination


Yo, im back again with the crew and the locals
Rural on the mic and Organic on the vocals
And we still reppin' with years of experience and riddles
Rhymes and lines and lyrics stuck in the middle
Im showin' you what a real comeback artist can make
No mistake, i wasn't brought up to take...the shit that gets thrown in all directions
That can tamper and deteriorate any persons emotions
But fuck that...thats another story
I wouldnt want this story to bore me and send me to it already is
I want a life fire thats hard to extinguish
And as it lingers in the midst, i can feel the urge to kiss
The only bitch that i can't miss and tits
There again they lookin at i gotta get movin and make this ho love me
We get to business and its and this girl makin love more sexy
I know you are thinkin this is another stereotypical rhyme
But things have changed along with the times
Nowadays you cant get sweets for dimes...and you pay to much for the white lines
Drugs and women are the way to success
Weed, money and they way you undress
But bless, to be the got have respect for homeboys and the rest
Best of all, you gotta learn the control
You gotta get down and watch your money roll
Hold on to what you got and stay on call
Liven up this is a free for all!
Rural Thug
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