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Old 02-28-04, 10:30 AM   #20
Posts: 218

This battle was kinda weak, I wasn't impressed by either emcee, because it didn't seem like either of you took this seriously.....none-the-less........D.....I think that you need to work on your structure, and your flow because it gets annoyin when a battle verse doesn't flow right, and you have to re-read it a couple of times to get the effect..............also you need to work on your punchlines, and your punchleads, which are the lines that come before your punches...........but when you work on your flow and sturcture, the rest will follow, and it will make your verses much stronger..............verse=3.2/10

LMC, your verse wasn't to much better, ya'll seem like ya'll are kinda on the same level, but your verse did have better flow........I think that everything else was kinda equal.......but by you have better flow, and made your verse a lil stronger, cause it was easier to read.................still need to work on it though.........verse=4.5/10