Thread: Venom Vs Butcha
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Old 03-02-04, 01:19 PM   #1
Light Weight
Posts: 214
testin 1,2..uhm 12


No wonder they call you butcha look at your lines
They were diced up, SHIT!! they didn't even rhyme
come on now your not skilled as me, await for your defeat
Your shit was like handing in homework, it wasn't even complete
You gotta practice a lot before you bring that garbage up in here
Sounds like you have to switch your style you stupid fucking queer
because no straight guy would rhyme the way you do
call me the butcha cuz im slicing you up like a fuckin ginsu
You faggot, you better watch your mouth when talkin to me
lets see how far you get too ever becoming an emcee

verse wasn't that good..oh well..he was a waste of time ne wayz